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Testing Devices and Instruments
Impactor Model 101 - Impact Tester
Applies a uniform 50-56 lbs of pressure and release to chain link and razor fencing.
Fiberglass 9 ft Extension Pole with machined aluminum adapter with 5/16 x 6.0 in hook.
Fiberglass 16ft Extension Pole with machined aluminum male adapter and 6.0 in SS lanyard.
Test Sled, 3/8 HDPE with male adapter and rope connection points.
*for use with 30 cm aluminum sphere*
30 cm (+/- 2%) diameter x 1/4 Aluminum Disc with female extension pole thread and lanyard connection point.
30 cm (+/- 2%) diameter Aluminum Sphere with female extension pole thread and lanyard tab.
Machined Aluminum Eye Adapter with SS lanyard.
*For use with 30 & 50.8 cm spheres and disc*
50.8 cm (+/- 2%) diameter Aluminum Sphere with female extension pole thread and lanyard tab.